More Love. More Hugs. More Support.

Propeller Wags was created on the belief that you can alter a person's entire day - and life! - with a simple act of kindness that says "You're SPECIAL."
What began as a tribute to my beloved American Bulldog Rocky, whose droopy-face and "propeller wag" tail saw me through a cancer diagnosis in 2004 followed by years of incredible change, uplifting highs, and some dark lows, has evolved into a movement of restoring connection in the world. #youarenotalone
A crazy happy, full-circle tail wag some dogs make when they see a very SPECIAL human.
When I started Propeller Wags, I want to help the world take time out of their day to spread love around AND remind others that they are SPECIAL. Then 2020 happened, and Rocky and his spinning tail has become a signal of support, and with every hug, snuggle or adventure he is taken on, he has become a supportive companion for children of all ages.
In today's busy world, between work, school, and play, lives have been ultra-connected electronically, but somehow physical connection with others gradually began declining.
COVID restrictions and long-term isolation, homeschooling, working from home and the need for real connection with others - especially children - escalated into a global issue that needs immediate attention.
Because being able to connect with others is game-changing, life-changing, and world-changing and we need it now more than ever!